Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Applications > Microsoft Office
Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Communication > Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Team - Use Phone Audio for Meeting

This document details how to use your phone for audio during a Teams meeting.

Related KBs:

Microsoft Teams - User Guide

Calling into a Meeting Using the Phone Number Provided Within the Invite Email
Calling into a Meeting Using the Call Me Feature

Calling into a Meeting Using the Phone Number Provided Within the Invite Email

1. To call into a meeting, refer to your meeting invite email. Within the email should be a call-in number. For a local number, go to the bottom of the invite.  

2. Dial the phone number within the invite. When prompted, enter the Conference ID listed within the invite.  

Screenshot of Invite Example

3. You should now be in the meeting.

Calling into a Meeting Using the Call Me Feature

1. To join a meeting using the Call Me feature, use your Teams meeting invite to join the meeting.  At the initial screen, select "Phone audio."

Screenshot of Join Meeting Screen

2. On the Use phone for audio screen, enter your phone number and select "Call me."  The meeting automatically calls the user and allows them to join the meeting.  

Screenshot of Use Phone for Audio Screen

3. You should now be in the meeting.

call, me, in, join, audio, settings
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Steve K. in UW Green Bay
UW Green Bay