Results: 1-16 of 16

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Kaltura - Getting a Shareable Link for a My Media Video1095892024-08-137513
2Kaltura - Adding Hotspots to a My Media Video in Canvas1275692024-06-181339
3PlayPosit (Canvas) - Peer Review Assignment Guide for Students1168812024-06-182317
4Kaltura - Creating an Audio File from a Video in Your My Media Library1148412024-06-184148
5Canvas (Instructors) - Using the Course Media Gallery (Kaltura)1140442024-06-182719
6Kaltura (My Media) - Creating Video Quizzes (Detailed Guide)1099632024-06-114066
7Kaltura - Uploading Video from a Smartphone1366662024-04-10366
8Kaltura (Students) - Kaltura Capture Guide for Students1007132024-02-2210205
9Canvas - Enable Third-Party Cookies for Kaltura Videos and Other External Tools997842024-02-056033
10Learning Technology Applications Compatibility1138192023-12-012810
11Kaltura - Creating a Clip of a My Media Video in Canvas1094422023-01-202357
12Kaltura Service Terms of Use705242022-12-214745
13Canvas - Captioning Course Videos755382021-12-094140
14Mediaspace Guide for Students1006362020-12-094686
15Kaltura Course Media Gallery - Enabling Gallery Moderation (Canvas)1054742020-08-312641
16Kaltura - How do I Add a Co-Publisher, Add a Co-Editor, or Change Owner995752023-10-2612814

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