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PlayPosit (Canvas) - Embed a Bulb with the Canvas Rich Content Editor
Related KBs:
[Link for document 111173 is unavailable at this time]
PlayPosit (Canvas) - Share a Bulb as an Ungraded Module Item
[Link for document 111181 is unavailable at this time]
***NOTE: UW-Green Bay instructors can use PlayPosit to create interactive videos, called "bulbs," and share those bulbs with students in their Canvas Courses. One of the methods for adding a PlayPosit bulb to a Canvas course is to use the PlayPosit app in the Canvas Rich Content Editor toolbar to embed a bulb inside of a Canvas page. Bulbs embedded via this method are not linked with the Canvas course's grade book.***
Perform the following steps to embed a PlayPosit bulb in a Canvas course with the Canvas Rich Content Editor:
Begin editing any Canvas feature that uses the Rich Content Editor (Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, or Syllabus).
***NOTE: Bulbs added with this method will not be tied to the Canvas Gradebook. If you intend on creating a graded assignment with a PlayPosit bulb, please follow this guide instead: PlayPosit (Canvas) - Create a Graded Interactive Video Assignment.*** -
In the Rich Content Editor's toolbar, select the Apps button (plug icon), then select "View All."
In the list of apps, select "PlayPosit."
The PlayPosit setup menu will open in a pop-up window. Select "Enter PlayPosit" to open the My Bulbs menu in PlayPosit.
Create a new bulb or select an existing bulb from the list of your bulbs:
- To create a new bulb, select the "Add New Bulb" button and complete the new bulb creation process (please see [Link for document 111181 is unavailable at this time]). Once you have completed the bulb creation process and have returned to the PlayPosit setup menu in your Canvas browser tab, select the Set Bulb Link icon (red Canvas logo) next to the title of your newly created bulb.
- To embed an existing bulb, select the Set Bulb Link icon (red Canvas logo) that is next to the title of the bulb you wish to share with students.
Make sure Self Paced is selected in the "Select Learner Experience" drop-down menu and Embed is selected in the "Placement" drop-down menu, then select the Link button.
The PlayPosit setup menu will close and your bulb will be embedded in the Canvas page. Select "Save" to save your edits to the Canvas page or select "Save & Publish" to both save your edits and publish the page.