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Canvas (Instructors) - Using the Redirect Tool

The "Redirect Tool" in Canvas allows you to add a link as an item to your course navigation.

What is the Redirect Tool?

Think of the Redirect Tool as a web address shortcut or bookmark that appears in the course navigation menu of a Canvas course. When the link is something Canvas "understands" (like a simple web page or something in Canvas itself), it will display the linked item in the Canvas course without navigating the user outside of the course. You also have the option to set the Redirect Tool to open the link in a new window or tab.

When would you use the Redirect Tool?

Since the Redirect Tool is used to open any web address (URL) from Canvas. It can be useful in a number of situations including library course guides, a standing web-conference meeting (e.g. Teams), a survey (e.g. for mid-semester feedback), and the site for a web-based tool or shared resource.

The redirect tool can also open a secure web address within Canvas. This means, the page it links to will appear in Canvas in the "content pane:" the same area as course materials or activities—the area where students would read a Canvas page. This means students do not need to pop out of Canvas to engage with materials like open educational resources (e.g. textbooks on Pressbooks or similar), help guides, or other web-hosted content., the website for a related professional organization, your own website, a university page, or other course-related resources. Not all websites can display within the content pane; websites which show a connection error may need to use the option to "force open in a new tab."

You can also link to existing places in your course. This means, if you've set up a special page, discussion, or other Canvas item for which students need ready access, you can add it to the course navigation.

How do you add the Redirect Tool?

The Redirect Tool can be added as an "App" under "Settings." More detailed instructions can be found in "Part 2" of this guide on setting up your Canvas course.

Integration Navigation Instructor link course navigation item re direct re-direct shortcut short cut bookmark
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Scott B. in UW Green Bay
UW Green Bay