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PlayPosit (Canvas) - Peer Review Assignment Guide for Students

This article provides guidance to students participating in a PlayPosit Peer Review video assignment within a UW-Green Bay Canvas course.

What is a PlayPosit Peer Review Assignment?

In a PlayPosit Peer Review assignment, students are tasked with making their own video submission and then reviewing the video submissions of the peers in their small group. Students will be able to view the feedback provided by their peers as well as any feedback from the instructor's review. If the assignment is graded, the final score is determined by the instructor. Students will leave their feedback for their peers within the PlayPosit interactive video player via free-form time-stamped PlayPosit discussion interaction comments and (optionally) a rubric provided by the instructor. There are four steps to participating in a PlayPosit Peer Review Assignment; each step is detailed in its section below.
  1. Create Your Video
  2. Submit Your Video to the PlayPosit Assignment
  3. Review Peer Submissions
  4. View Received Feedback

Step 1: Create Your Video

The first step of a PlayPosit Peer Review assignment is to create or find the video you wish to submit to the assignment. In most cases, students will be asked to create their own video to submit to the assignment. Creating the video is done outside of PlayPosit. To submit a video to PlayPosit, the video must first be uploaded to the UW System Kaltura (My Media) service, to YouTube, or to Vimeo.

Using Kaltura (My Media) to Create and/or Upload your Video (Recommended)

UW System provides free unlimited access to Kaltura media creation and hosting tools for all students. Uploading a video to your Kaltura My Media library is a great way to prepare to submit to your PlayPosit Peer Review assignment. Here is a list of articles that provide instructions for a few different methods for creating and/or uploading a video to Kaltura:

Using YouTube to Upload your Video (A good alternative when uploading a video recorded on a smartphone)

If you have a Google account, you can upload a video to YouTube for use in PlayPosit assignments. Using the YouTube app on an Android or iPhone is a convenient way upload a video that you have recorded with the camera app on your mobile phone. Please reference the following YouTube Help guides for more information:

When using YouTube for class assignments, we recommend selecting the "unlisted" video privacy setting. Videos with the "unlisted" video privacy setting aren't publicly searchable but can be viewed by anyone with the link and can also be used with PlayPosit. Videos with the "private" video privacy setting cannot be used with PlayPosit.

Using Vimeo to Upload your Video (Only recommended for those with prior Vimeo experience)

If you have a Vimeo account and are already comfortable with using the service, you may use Vimeo to host a video you wish to submit to the PlayPosit assignment. For more information, please see this Vimeo Help Center guide: Uploading to Vimeo.

Step 2: Submit Your Video to the PlayPosit Assignment

Once you have uploaded your video to Kaltura, YouTube, or Vimeo and have waited for the video to process and become available for playback (video processing typically takes 1-2x the duration of the video to finish), you can then navigate to the assignment in your Canvas course and submit your video. Perform the following steps to submit your video:

  1. Navigate to the assignment in your Canvas course. The gray PlayPosit window will load inside of Canvas or, if you see a button prompting you to load the assignment in a new window, click the button to open the PlayPosit assignment. Read the instructions provided by your instructorthe instructions may include requirements for your video submission and/or requirements for completing your peer reviews (e.g. the number of comments you need to leave on each submission).

  2. Click the Start button underneath the PlayPosit assignment instructions. The PlayPosit designer will open in a new tab or window.

    screenshot of a PlayPosit peer review assignment in a Canvas course with the Start button highlighted

  3. Select your video source:

    • Kaltura: If you have uploaded your video to your Kaltura My Media library, follow these steps:

      1. Select Kaltura.

        screenshot of the PlayPosit video source menu with Kaltura highlighted

      2. You will see a list of your My Media videos. Select the title of the video you wish to submit to the assignment. PlayPosit will load your video.

        screenshot of the Kaltura source selection screen in PlayPosit

      3. At the bottom of the video source panel, select Done. Your video is added to the "Video Segments" tab.

        screenshot of the video source menu in the PlayPosit designer with a video selected

    • YouTube or Vimeo: To submit a video that has been uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo, first copy the "share link" or URL from the video watch page on YouTube or Vimeo (e.g. and then follow these steps in the PlayPosit designer's video source menu:

      1. Select Input URL.

        screenshot of the PlayPosit video source menu with the Input URL button highlighted

      2. In the "Input URL" field, paste the "share link" or URL of your video's watch page on YouTube or Vimeo. PlayPosit will find the video and load it.
        br />screenshot of the Input URL video source menu in PlayPosit

      3. At the bottom of the video source panel, select Done. Your video is added to the "Video Segments" tab.

    • NOTE: The "YouTube" and "Vimeo" options in the video source panel allow you to search for publicly visible YouTube or Vimeo videos from within the PlayPosit designer, but it is often easier to use the "Input URL" option to directly select your YouTube or Vimeo video.

    • NOTE: Because UWGB's contract with PlayPosit does not include video hosting, you cannot use the "Upload Video" or "Record" options when selecting a video source.

  4. (Optional) If needed, you can trim the video by clicking the scissors icon, and/or you can add additional videos to your submission with the Add Video button. A submission with multiple video segments will play back those segments sequentially.

  5. Select the Review tab of the PlayPosit designer. If needed, you can type a different title for your submission in the Title field and click Save Changes.

  6. Select the Submit button and then select Submit in the confirmation window to finish submitting your video to the assignment.

    screenshot of the review tab in the PlayPosit designer

  7. When you see the "Assignment submitted" message, you may close the browser tab and return to Canvas.

Step 3: Review Peer Submissions

The second part of the PlayPosit Peer Review assignment is to watch and review each of your group member's submissions. When you return to the Canvas assignment after submitting your video, you will see a list of learners in your peer review group underneath the "Give Feedback" tab of the PlayPosit assignment window. Each learner in the list will have a "status" informing you whether they have submitted and whether you have completed your review of that learner's submission:
  • Waiting for submission: This learner has not yet submitted a video to the assignment.
  • Not Started: This learner has made a submission that is ready for your review. You have not yet started your review.
  • In progress: You started reviewing this learner's submission but still need to complete it.
  • Completed: You have finished reviewing this learner's submission.
For your peer review of a submission to be marked as "completed" in PlayPosit, you must (1) watch the video all the way to the end, (2) make at least one comment* in the Peer Review Discussion Forum, and, if present, (3) fill out and submit the rubric provided by your instructor.

*Please reference the assignment instructions provided by your instructor to determine the number and nature of comments you are expected to leave in each peer review. Beyond the first comment, PlayPosit does not enforce a minimum number of comments before your review is marked complete; however, while grading your assignment, your instructor may factor in how well you followed their instructions in completing your peer reviews.
From the "Give Feedback" tab of the PlayPosit assignment in your Canvas course, perform the following steps to review the submission of a learner in your group:
  1. Click on the name of the learner.

    screenshot of the Give Feedback menu of a PlayPosit peer review assignment

  2. In the interactive video player that launches in a new browser tab, click the play button to being watching the video submission.

  3. At any point of the video, you may type a comment in the text box at the bottom of the Peer Review Discussion Forum and click the send icon (paper airplane) to submit it. These comments are timestamped, so if you want to comment about a specific part of the video, it's best to leave your comment while you have the video paused at that part of the video. Users who view your comment will be able to click on the timestamp to jump to that point of the video. You must leave at least one comment to be able to submit your review, but you can leave as many comments as you would like to provide and/or are required by the assignment instructions provided by your instructor. Please note that all discussion comments you submit can be viewed by the creator of the submission, the instructor, and the other peer reviewers in your group.

    screenshot of the peer review discussion forum in the PlayPosit player

    TIP: As you play through the video, comments from other reviewers appear in the discussion forum once you reach the time of the video during which the comment was submitted. You may click reply to make a threaded discussion comment under any existing comment.

  4. Continue watching the video submission until the very end.

  5. If your instructor created a rubric, click on the rubric icon in the left sidebar to view the rubric. Enter a numeric score for each criterion and type any criterion-specific comments/explanations. Once you have finished filling out the rubric with scores and comments, click the Submit Rubric button at the bottom of the panel.

    screenshot of the peer review rubric panel in the PlayPosit player

  6. Once you have reached the end of the video, submitted at least one discussion comment, and submitted the completed rubric (if applicable), you will see a confirmation message saying that you have successfully completed your review of the submission. You can close the PlayPosit player browser tab and return to the Canvas course.

    screenshot of the completion confirmation message in the PlayPosit player
To finish the assignment, you must complete a review for all listed learners in your group.

Step 4: View Received Feedback

You can return to the Canvas assignment to view the feedback that your peers and your instructor have left for your submission.

Viewing Feedback from Your Peers

You can view the feedback your peers have left for your submission by performing the following steps:
  1. Navigate to the assignment in your Canvas course.

  2. Select the View Feedback tab.

  3. If the assignment used a rubric, click the rubric icon across from any of your group members' names to view the rubric the peer reviewer completed for your submission.

  4. Click the discussion icon across from any of your group members' names to view the time-stamped discussion comments left by that peer reviewer.

    screenshot of the view feedback tab of a PlayPosit peer review assignment

Viewing Feedback from Your Instructor

You can view your instructor's feedback by performing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the assignment in your Canvas course.

  2. Select the Instructor Feedback tab.

  3. If the assignment used a rubric, click the rubric icon to view the rubric the instructor completed for your submission.

  4. Click the discussion icon to view the time-stamped discussion comments left by the instructor.

    screenshot of the instructor feedback tab in a PlayPosit peer review assignment

TIP: You can view all peer and instructor discussion comments in one place by clicking the Preview Submission button near the top of the gray PlayPosit assignment window to view the discussion forum in the interaction panel of the PlayPosit player. Click on the timestamp of any discussion comment to instantly jump to that point of the video.

NOTE: The score you see across from the "Preview Submission" button is the final assignment score given to you by your instructor. While your instructor may consider peer feedback when determining your final score, the scores given to you by your peers do not directly factor into your final assignment score.

READ MORE: For additional information on participating in PlayPosit Peer Review assignments, please see this official PlayPosit Help Article: Peer review for learners with an LMS 

GETTING HELP: If you encounter a technical issue in PlayPosit while completing your assignment, please use the Contact link at the top of the PlayPosit Knowledge website to open a support ticket. 

Keywordsplay posit canvas lms reviews video assignments rubric kaltura youtube vimeo learner student how to how-to upload feedback   Doc ID116881
OwnerScott B.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2022-02-18 16:26:02Updated2024-06-18 16:32:13
SitesUW Green Bay
Feedback  1   0