Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services

Point-to-Anywhere Rooms - ShareLink Pro

This document details how to connect to ShareLink Pro in Wireless Sharing Centers.

1. Connect to the campus wireless network (Eduroam) using your University of Wisconsin - Green Bay credentials.

2. Download the ShareLink Pro application. On campus computers, open Software Center and search for "ShareLink Pro." On non-campus devices, you can download it from the Google Play Store or the App Store. 

3. Once ShareLink Pro is installed, open the program.

4. Click Skip on the top right and then click "Get Started."

5. Enter your username to display on screen.

6. Click the "Manually Added" section on the top and then click the "+" button below it.

7. Enter the pod name, i.e. WH215Pod1, WH118Pod2, etc. ***Note: The pod name is CASE SENSITIVE***

8. Enter the pod password (Pod Specific)

9. Enter the session code. This will be displayed on the screen. 

Please contact the UWGB Service Desk with any questions at or 920-465-2309. 

Keywordspoint to anywhere sharelink pro install download   Doc ID121030
OwnerKatelyn V.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2022-09-02 07:32:30Updated2022-09-02 08:29:17
SitesUW Green Bay
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