Point-to-Anywhere (P2A) Guide & FAQs

This document details the procedures and connections for the Point-to-Anywhere (P2A) classrooms on campus.

Classroom Technology - Startup

  1. To begin, locate the tablet mounted to the wall. Select ‘Press Here to Begin’ to bring up the matrix, which in turn, powers on every mounted screen and hardware in the room.
  2. Log into the computer (PC1) located on the SMART Podium in each classroom.

Powering On Screen 

Controlling the Tablet Matrix 

The five main sections of the tablet matrix are: 

  1. Send to All Pods 
    1. This option allows for a selected input to be displayed on all screens, including those designated for the SMART Podium (PC Output #1, etc.). 
  1. Room Control (infrequently utilized
    1. Display Control – Allows for the powering on and off selected screens 
    2. Matrix Routing – Controls the room audio (defaulted to SMART podium inputs: PC Output #1 / PC Output #2) and individual pod audio 
  1. Large Displays 
    1. This option lets you control the largest screens in the room regarding the input selected and displayed (ex: if you’d like to show PC Output #1 on ‘Content’, and PC Output #2 on ‘Far Side’ in IS 1020). 
  1. Pod Displays 
    1. This option lets you control the individual pod screens in the room regarding the input selected and displayed (ex: if you’d like to show PC Output #1 on ‘Pod 1’). 
  1. Volume 
    1. This allows you to control the volume of the room audio. 
    2. To mute, select ‘Mute’ (turns yellow to designate selection). 

Tablet Matrix Defaults

The default settings for the tablet are as follows:  

  1. Large Displays – PC Output #1 and PC Output #2 are selected for their respective screens.  
  1. Pod Screens – Each is displayed with the ShareLink Pro instructions for user-casting to the screens.  
    1. Note: Instructional Services 1020 (IS 1020) has the SMART Podium and each screen is labeled with a name that correlates with the matrix on the tablet.  

If you desire to return to the ‘default’ settings at any time, in the ‘Send to All Pods’ area, select Pods > Default; change the Large Displays area to ‘PC Output #1’ (Content) and ‘PC Output #2’ (Far Side). 

Setting Back to Defaults

Powering Off the System  

  1. Log off from the SMART Podium computer:
    1. If you are logged into the SMART Podium computer, log out before powering off the system.  
  1. To power off the system:  
    1. Select the red button that says ‘System Off’ in the lower right-hand corner of the matrix. 
    2. Select the green button that says ‘Confirm’ when prompted. 

Powering Off the System

Confirming System Shutdown

FAQs / Troubleshooting 

Q: How can an in-person student share their screen with the whole class?

A: One way is by having the student log in to the podium computer. This will broadcast, by default, to the main display. Another is by hooking up their device to the HDMI at the podium (selecting HDMI on the control panel to project to choose display). A third is via ShareLink to their pod computer. Once shared, you can select their pod display to be projected to the main display. There are other ways as well, but these are the most recommended. 

Q: I don’t want to log in into the podium computer, and would like to use my own device. How do I do so?

A: One way is to connect via ShareLink on the main display. The second option is to connect via the HDMI cable on the podium, then select where you would like to project what you are trying to share on the control panel. 

Q: How does ShareLink work? What is the difference between the instructor ShareLink and the student ShareLink?

A: ShareLink works via an app that is downloaded to your device where you can manually connect to the display listed. Complete directions are found near the display monitor, or on the display monitor, or in the UKnowIT article.

Q: What do I do if the tablet isn’t turning on?

A: Normally, the tablet will activate with close movement and proximity, but if it does not, tap the screen to make it active.

KeywordsP2A, Technology, Classrooms, ShareLink   Doc ID124802
OwnerNathan S.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2023-03-14 10:19:43Updated2023-03-22 12:19:32
SitesUW Green Bay
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