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Course Evaluations (Instructors) - Viewing Individual Reports
This document details the steps instructors can take to access course evaluation reports in the UWGB Evals system. Follow this procedure to view individual course evaluation reports from terms from Spring 2023 to the present.
***NOTE: The UWGB Evals system distributes individual course evaluation reports to instructors approximately 17 days after the last day of class.***
Instructors can view evaluation reports by clicking a link in a notification email message or by navigating to the UWGB Evals website.
Accessing Reports Through Email
Accessing Reports Through the UWGB Evals Website
Accessing Reports Through Email
- On the day one or more evaluation reports become available, the instructor will receive an email message from "UW-Green Bay Course Evaluation" which notifies them of the availability of evaluation results for the term. In this email message, select the "View your student feedback" link and sign in with your UWGB email and password to view a list of available evaluation reports from the current term. (To learn how to view reports from a prior term, navigate to the Accessing Reports Through the UWGB Evals Website section).
- In the Report List, select a "Report Title" to view that report in your web browser, or select the PDF icon next to a report's title to download that report as a PDF file. If you have access to a large number of individual reports for a term, you can use the search bar to filter reports by class or instructor name.
***NOTE: If the Threshold Status of a report is shown as "Not Met," no student completed the evaluation form for that course.***
Accessing Reports Through the UWGB Evals Website
- Instructors can view all of their available reports for any term from Spring 2023 to the present by signing in to the UWGB Evals website, which can be accessed by entering in your web browser or by selecting the button below:
Access the UWGB Evals Website - After signing in, you will see your My Home page with a list of your "Tasks" followed by a list of "Reports." Scroll down to your list of Reports. Each term for which you have at least one available individual course report will be shown in the list. Select the title of a term's report to view your list of individual course reports from that term.
- In the Report List for the selected term, select a "Report Title" to view that report in your web browser, or select the PDF icon next to a report's title to download that report as a PDF file. If you have access to a large number of individual reports for a term, you can use the search bar to filter reports by class or instructor name.
***NOTE: If the Threshold Status of a report is shown as "Not Met," no student completed the evaluation form for that course.***