Point-to-Point (P2P) Guide & FAQs

This document details the procedures and connections for the Point-to-Point (P2P) classrooms on campus.

Classroom Technology - Startup

  1. To begin, locate the tablet housed on the desk in the front of the room. Tap the screen to bring up the main menu on the tablet. This also activates other technology in the room, including the cameras, projector, and wall-mounted monitors.
  2. To join your session, tap on the green button labeled Join. The system will indicate connection by saying “You are in the meeting now.” This will join all scheduled rooms/location to your session and activate their room technology.
    1. Note: The ‘Join’ button only becomes visible five minutes before your session is scheduled to begin.  
  3. While class sessions can be controlled completely by the tablet, you may want to utilize other technology in the room. If you desire to use the room computer, laptop (via HDMI), or document camera, you need to power each of these up individually for use in your session. 

Home Screen of Tablet Controller 

Controlling the Tablet (Pre-Class)

The main sections of the tablet controls most used are: 

  1. Join (green button)   
    1. This option allows for joining the class session scheduled and connecting to the other campus(es) involved in the course. 
  2. Call (infrequently utilized)   
    1. This option allows you to manually call other rooms with point-to-point technology, including rooms on the Green Bay campus (i.e., MAC 137), as well as those on other regional UWGB campuses. 
  3. Share Screen
    1. This option lets you control the screens in the room regarding the input selected and displayed (i.e., in IS 1034, if you’d like to show your computer screen on right screen mounted in the back of the classroom and the projector, while still having classroom view on the other two screens in the room) - more info below. 
  4. Join Zoom
    1. This option lets you join an individual Zoom session with the room code and passcode (i.e., utilization with a webinar being streamed) - if a host key is needed, instructors will have to call Academic Technology Services (ATS: x2309) for that specific code. 
  5. Volume
    1. This allows you to control the volume of the room audio. 

Controlling the Tablet (In-Class)

In-Class Tablet Controls

Once you have joined the class session, the main sections of the tablet most used are:

  1. Mute 
    1. Utilized if you want to mute the room microphones during in-class work, showing a video, or for other instances. 
  2. Stop Video 
    1. This option turns off the camera.
  3. Share
    1. This option lets you control the screens in the room regarding the input selected and displayed (i.e., in IS 1034, if you’d like to show your computer screen on right screen mounted in the back of the classroom and the projector, while still having classroom view on the other two screens in the room). 
    2. There are three main options for sharing: Room PC, Laptop, and DocCam. If choosing "Share in Call”, each option will share the designated device with the class, on one screen in the front of the classroom, as well as one in the back. This also shares your screen with the connected campus(es). If choosing “View”, it only shares to your current classroom location. 
  4. Add (infrequently utilized)
    1. This option allows you to add other classrooms on campus, or at a connected campus. 
  5. End Call
    1. This option ends the call for all participants and locations.
  6. Camera
    1. Camera controls allow you change to the camera functionality for the room. There are a number of options including Manual, Presenter, and Basic (infrequently used).  
      1. Manual (pictured on the right): allows custom movement of the camera, including the location at which it points within the room (i.e., whiteboard area), and control the zoom. 
      2. Presenter: allows the camera to follow any speaker within the room, including student responses. 
    2. The ‘Advanced’ option in the upper right corner allows for instructors to set their own camera preferences, and save those preferences for easy access each class period. To set a new preset, select Advanced > Add New. Once titled, it is saved on the device, and can be accessed each class session with your preferred preset saved. 

Tablet Sharing Options    Camera Control Options    Manual Camera Adjustment

When you are finished with the class, select the End Call button. The standard devices will return to standby mode after a number of minutes (no need to do anything further). If you are logged in to the Room PC, ensure you log off. Likewise, if you used the DocCam, ensure to power off before leaving the room. 

FAQs / Troubleshooting 

Q: My students in remote campus locations can’t hear me very well; how do I help solve that issue? 

A: It is highly recommended that instructors use the wireless microphone pack, regardless of whether this issue is present or not. The microphone pack is located at the front of class on the desk, and needs a charged 9V battery each class period. The batteries are charging on the desk in their charger. Make sure to power the device off and return the battery to the charger once class is finished. The pack operates with a simple ‘Power’ button, and there is no need to change channels. If you remain stationary in the front of class and do not circulate throughout the room, it still is beneficial to wear the microphone pack, or simply turn it on and place it in front of you on the desk for the best audio. 

Q: I accidentally ended the call in the middle of my class – what do I do? 

A: If this happens, simply select the green ‘Join’ button again and you will be reconnected. This button remains active until the end of the regularly scheduled class. 

Q: I have a small number of students in multiple locations, and I want to use breakout rooms in Zoom to combine them for discussion purposes. How do I find the controls to create those rooms?

A: The simplest way to get access to breakout rooms in Zoom, along with other features, is to use your own laptop to access Zoom. Please note that you will have to be a co-host for your class session to access host controls, but this method will allow you to modify and tailor the Zoom session to meet your instructional needs, including for the use of breakout rooms. 

KeywordsP2P, Technology, Classrooms   Doc ID130738
OwnerNathan S.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2023-08-30 10:58:08Updated2023-08-31 11:49:36
SitesUW Green Bay
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