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Canvas (Instructors) - Known Issue: Cannot Enable Files Link in Course Navigation Menu

Instructors in UW-Green Bay's Canvas environment cannot enable the Files link in their Canvas course navigation menus. This is an intended consequence of UW System's enforced Canvas setup options.

Instructors who attempt to enable the Files link in the Navigation tab of the Settings page of a Canvas course will find that the change does not persist after selecting Save. The Files link will revert to disabled and hidden from students. Instructors may also find that they are unable to change the sequence of course navigation menu links for Canvas's default features (Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, etc.). This behavior is an intended consequence of a UW System-enforced Canvas setting and it is not a bug.

Settings restrictions within the UW System Canvas environment are intended to promote consistency across Canvas courses and encourage instructors to use modules to present content to their students within the context of a week or unit of the course. For more information on UW System-enforced Canvas settings restrictions please see: Canvas - Course Navigation Menu

How to Share Files with Students in a UW-Green Bay Canvas Course

To share a course file with students, instructors must insert a link to the file within another course content item or add the file to a module as a module item. Please reference the following Canvas Instructor guide pages for instructions:

enable unhide hidden disabled disable enabled file document settings page link links can't reorder sequence order rearrange revert change
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Scott B. in UW Green Bay
UW Green Bay