Kaltura (Recycle Bin) - Move an Item to the Recycle Bin

The Universities of Wisconsin’s Kaltura video management system now provides a "Recycle Bin" feature that allows users to delete video entries with an option to restore them later (within 30 days of being deleted).

Users no longer have to worry about accidentally deleting a video or changing their minds after deleting a video. Not only will the video be restored to its rightful place, but its original name, tags, details, metadata and functionality will also be restored. 

This guide explains how to move a video to the Recycle Bin.

Move an Item to the Recycle Bin

  1. Access Kaltura through Canvas MyMedia (Canvas > Account > My Media) or through Mediaspace (https://mediaspace.wisconsin.edu/ > log in > My Media).

  2. From the My Media, click the trash can icon next to the video you want to delete. If you want to delete more than one video, click the boxes next to each one.
    My Media screen with video item - click trash can icon.


    Click on a thumbnail to access the Media Entry Page. Go to the ACTIONS menu and choose Delete.
    Go to the Actions menu and choose Delete.

  3. A confirmation message will be displayed. Deleted videos are kept in the Recycle Bin for 30 days before being permanently deleted.

    Move to Recycle Bin confirmation message.

  4. Click Approve to move the video(s) to the Recycle Bin. 

Keywordsmedia, kaltura, video, recycle bin, my media, delete videos, external toolsDoc ID132258
OwnerJason Z.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2023-10-23 15:32:52Updated2024-07-01 09:33:53
SitesUW Green Bay, UW System Administration DLE, UW-La Crosse
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