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Canvas (Known Issue) - "Invalid submission file type" Error When Submitting to Assignment with Office 365

This document details a known issue in Canvas encountered when a student attempts to use the "Office 365" submission option to submit to an online file upload assignment that is configured to restrict submissions to specified file types.

Description of Issue

For Canvas Assignments with the online File Upload submission type where the instructor has enabled the option to restrict upload submission types to certain file extensions, students will get the error message "Invalid submission file type" when attempting to use the Office 365 submission option to submit a file directly from their OneDrive. The message appears after the student selects a file for submission and appears even if the file's extension matches a type allowed by the assignment's settings. This issue makes it impossible for the student to submit their file with the Office 365 option, and the student must use the workaround described in this document.

Screenshot of the "Invalid submission file type" error message seen by students using the Office 365 submission option in Canvas


Students who encounter this issue should submit their file to the Canvas assignment by downloading the file from their OneDrive and then using the File Upload submission option in the Canvas assignment to upload the file from their computer.

  1. Navigate to your UWGB OneDrive:

    1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 Portal with your UWGB email and password.

    2. Select the app launcher icon Microsoft 365 app launcher icon in the top-left corner of the page and then select OneDrive.

    3. In the navigation panel on the left side of the page, select My files to view all of your files and folders.

  2. Download the file you wish to submit to the Canvas Assignment (For detailed instructions on this step, please see: Download files and folders from OneDrive or SharePoint - Microsoft Support).

  3. Navigate to the assignment in Canvas and use the File Upload submission option to upload the file from your computer and submit it.

    Screenshot of a Canvas assignment submission attempt with the File Upload option highlighted

online file upload doc docx pdf ppt pptx xlsx xls OneDrive one drive Microsoft assignments submission attempt red warning message popup pop up can't submit problem unable dropbox drop box type turn in lms file types
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Scott B. in UW Green Bay
UW Green Bay