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Forgetting a Wireless Network on Personal Device

This document details instructions for removing wireless networks from personal devices.

Related KBs
[Link for document 120844 is unavailable at this time]
Forgetting a Wireless Device on Windows 10
Forgetting a Wireless Network on a MAC

***NOTE: Sometimes after changing your password, you may need to forget the eduroam network in order for it to prompt for your new password. Some computers prefer to connect to wireless networks in the order that they were originally connected, so you may need to remove UWGB-Guest or UWGB-IoT so that your device stops automatically connecting to them instead of eduroam.***

iOS and Android

1. Navigate to "Settings."

2. Select "Wi-Fi."

3. Select the wireless network you wish to remove.

4. Select "Forget" to remove this network.

ipad, iphone, ipod, ios, macos, android, droid, windows, wireless, uwgb-guest, eduroam, guest, netreg, uwgb-netreg, remove, forget, delete, Iot, internet of things
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Steve K. in UW Green Bay
UW Green Bay