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Accounts - Account Maintenance Policy

This document details UWGB's account maintenance policy.

Related KBs:
Accounts - Faculty and Staff Technology Accounts
Accounts - Student Technology Account

Every registered student and member of the faculty and staff who is employed for 30 days or more or is teaching a credit course is authorized to have a network account. This account is used for e-mail, Canvas, SIS, WISC, and logging into campus workstations. The workstation logon process gives users access to appropriate network resources including their individual and shared network drives and network printers. Each individual on campus has their own secure network volume (share) on the server that is used for file storage.

Faculty and staff usernames consist of up to the first seven characters of their last name and the first character of their first name. 

Student usernames consist of the first four characters of their last name, their first and middle name initials, and the two-digit day of the month that they were born. For example, Mary Kay Jones’s birthday is May 4th, so her username is jonemk04. (Note: There are occasional exceptions to this syntax.)

Network Account Creation

Network accounts for students are created once they are admitted to the university.

Network accounts for faculty and instructional staff are created the day after all new hire information has been received by the Human Resources office and been entered into the Human Resources System (HRS).  Network accounts for classified staff, non-instructional academic staff, and LTEs are created two weeks prior to the start date, provided all new hire information has been received by the Human Resources Office and been entered into the Human Resources System.

All other requests for network accounts must be made by contacting HR and completing the POI account request form that they will email the person's supervisor upon initial approval.

Faculty & Staff Account Removal Procedures

Faculty and instructional staff ending their employment will have access to their network accounts removed one year after their last day in pay status.  An email notification will be sent to the network account of the employee and to the supervisor two weeks prior to the removal of access.  Department administrators will be given access to the employee’s network account prior to its deletion.   Network accounts will be deleted 30 days after the removal of access.  When the network account is deleted, all email messages and files on the individual's drive are deleted. 

Classified staff, non-instructional unclassified staff, and LTEs ending their employment will have access to their network accounts removed at the end of their last day in pay status.  Network accounts will be deleted 30 days after the last day in pay status.  Supervisors will be given access to the employee’s network account prior to its deletion.  An email notification will be sent to the network account of the employee and to the supervisor two weeks prior to the deletion. When the network account is deleted, all email messages and files on the individual share are deleted. 

Adjunct instructors who have not taught for one year will have their network accounts deleted. Network accounts for adjunct instructors will remain active if they are teaching on a regular recurring basis (i.e. every semester or every other semester).  An email notification will be sent to the employee two weeks prior to removal of access.  Department administrators will be given access to the employee’s network account prior to its deletion.  An email notification will be sent to the network account of the employee and to the supervisor two weeks prior to the deletion. Network accounts will be deleted 30 days after the removal of access.   When the network account is deleted, all email messages and files on the individual share are deleted. Accounts for adjunct faculty will be recreated if the person is hired to teach again. However, files will not be restored from previous semesters unless requested.  Backups of files are maintained for one year.  No restoration of email messages will be performed for a rehired adjunct instructor.

The account owner is responsible for saving copies of files or emails that they wish to take with them. The department administrator may also request that files be moved for their future reference in conducting the business of the department. Once the account is deleted, email will be lost. Backups of files in network volumes (individual or department shares) are maintained for one year.

For security reasons, employee access to network accounts may be removed at any time if a request is sent to the IT Office by one of the University Officers. 

Course shares: Each year User Support will review course shares that were requested by faculty who have left the university. We will notify the department before deleting the share. If requested, we'll make a CD backup of the share and provide it to the department.

Student Account Removal Procedures

Student network/email accounts are maintained for one year after their final semester. (Nursing and Adult Degree students retain their accounts for two years.)  Student account purges occur in February, June, and October.

Two weeks before their account removal is scheduled, students receive a warning message that their account will be removed.  If the student needs to continue using their account to complete course related activities, they must have a faculty or staff member email the GBIT Service Desk to explain the reason for the account extension and the period of time that the account will be needed.  

Keywordsaccount, maintenance, retention, deletion, faculty, staff, delete account   Doc ID24522
OwnerSteve K.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2012-05-31 08:43:51Updated2024-07-10 11:58:08
SitesUW Green Bay
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