Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Applications > Home Use Software

Discounted Software for Faculty & Staff Home Use

This document details discounted software for Faculty & Staff home use.

Related KBs:
Office - Microsoft Office 365 Faculty, Staff, and Students Login
SPSS - Installation V27 Instructions for Windows

***NOTE: Faculty and staff home use agreements provide rights for instructional and research related activities only. All software licenses purchased by the department for faculty and staff are the property of the University of Wisconsin System. If you leave the University for any reason, you are required to uninstall the software on your home machine and return any media to your department.***

Misc software - virus protection, productivity and more

Microsoft Office Products

Faculty and Staff can now install Microsoft Office on their personal devices (Windows, Mac, and Mobile) as part of the Office 365 ProPlus for Faculty program. 

Instructions and more information can be found here:

Office - Microsoft Office 365 Faculty, Staff, and Students Login

***NOTE: It is important to note that no discounted operating system upgrades (Windows 10) are available for home systems through this home use agreement.***

Adobe (including former Macromedia) and FileMaker Products

Faculty and staff may request an Adobe subscription to use the Adobe Creative Cloud suite on their personal computers for either personal use or University-related work.  Please contact the GBIT Service Desk at 920-465-2309 or email  

SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for Home Use

SPSS is available to faculty, staff, and students for home use on Windows or Macintosh computers. For Windows SPSS, all nine modules run on campus can be used at home by faculty and staff (Base, Advanced, Categories, Conjoint, Exact Tests, Missing Value Analysis, Regression, Tables, and Trends). Only the four primary modules (Base, Advanced, Regression, and Tables) are available to students for home use.

SPSS can be downloaded by following the instructions here: SPSS - Installation V29 Instructions for Windows Personal Device . Since our SPSS license is renewed on an annual basis, you will have to apply a new license code to your software each January to continue using SPSS at home.

Need a computer or printer for home?
HP Academic Discount information  |  Dell Academic Discount Information.

KeywordsWISC, software, onthehub, microsoft, office, adobe, sas, maple, hp, dell   Doc ID24807
OwnerSteve K.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2012-06-21 14:37:05Updated2023-11-14 10:48:32
SitesUW Green Bay
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