Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Applications
Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Windows OS
Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Departmental Support > Purchasing

Purchasing - Department Purchased Software

This document details how a university department would purchase software.

Related KBs
Purchasing - Department Purchases and Software Licensing Issues

***NOTE: All software that is automatically installed on campus networked computers is purchased and legally licensed by CIT. If departments wish to purchase other applications, the Madison WISC and DoIT sites offer educational discounts to UW campus departments. When purchasing software, please make sure that installation media (typically CD’s) are included with the license. You may have to purchase the media separately from the license.***

Wisconsin Integrated Software Catalog (WISC)

UW System has negotiated discount pricing on various software applications that are available to any University of Wisconsin department for use on University owned computers. This software is available for purchase through the Wisconsin Integrated Software Catalog. On this site, follow the link for “UW System Departments” and select ”Green Bay” to browse the list of available products.

You can purchase items from the WISC site using your procurement card. However, you will need to have an account before placing an order. Please follow instructions on their web site to request an account. The WISC site charges a fee of $20 per order for shipping and handling, so bundling of items into a single order will reduce the overall cost.

Contact the following with questions or to place an order:

WISC Order Fulfillment Center
University of Wisconsin
1210 W Dayton Street, Ste. B213
Madison, WI 53706
PH: 800-590-9787, option 1
FAX: 608-263-8774

DoIT Software Sales

Madison's DoIT offers software at educational discounts for the Windows and Macintosh environments. To purchase, either phone in your order using your purchasing card or enter an order in PeopleSoft Financials to:

DOIT Software Sales
1210 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706
(SFS Vendor #3345)

***NOTE: Only UW-Madison staff and students can order online.***

Other Vendor Purchases

For software applications that are not available on the WISC or DoIT sites, the department must follow standard purchasing procedures for acquiring the licenses. The web site for the software’s manufacturer will often specify whether educational or other discount pricing is available and list resellers that offer educational pricing. Most vendors do provide discounts varying from 10 to 90 percent for educational users, and many also offer volume discounts.

Two vendors that offer educational pricing for many packages and have online sales are CDWG ( and SoftMart (

Keywordsdepartment, software, purchase, WISC, departmental, DoIT, program, app, application   Doc ID25200
OwnerRyan L.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2012-07-18 08:43:58Updated2024-07-29 15:05:25
SitesUW Green Bay
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