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Adobe (Mac) - Exporting InDesign Files to PDF

This document details how to export a layout in Adobe InDesign to a PDF file for sharing or printing while in MacOS.

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1. With a document open:

        1. Select "File" in the upper left-hand side of the screen.

        2. Select "Export."

Screenshot of InDesign

2. On the Export screen, select the arrow to open up the File Directory.

Screenshot of Export Menu

3. On the following screen:

        1. Select the location you would like to save the file in.

        2. Change the name of the file.

        3. Select "Save."

Screenshot of Expanded Export Screen

4. Change the export settings to fit your preferences, and select "Export."

Screenshot of Export Preferences

Keywordsindesign, adobe, cc, creative, cloud, pdf, macOS, mac   Doc ID26043
OwnerSteve K.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2012-08-24 12:38:12Updated2022-11-28 12:23:40
SitesUW Green Bay
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