Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Wi-Fi > IoT (Internet of Things)

How to find the MAC Address on an Xbox One

This document details how to find the MAC address on an Xbox One.

1. If you are signed into your profile, navigate to My Games & Apps. (Skip this step if you are not signed into a profile)

2. Select "Settings."

3. In the Settings pane, select "Network."

4. Select "Advanced Settings."

5. Find and copy down the Wireless MAC address on this screen. It should be in the format "00:00:00:00:00:00"

Keywordsnetreg, net reg, iot, internet of things, wireless, wifi   Doc ID47211
OwnerSteve K.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2015-02-16 09:10:44Updated2022-10-31 15:19:30
SitesUW Green Bay
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