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Adobe - Insert a PDF into a Word Document

This document details two ways to insert a PDF into a Word document.

Combining PDFs through Adobe Acrobat DC

1. Navigate to your Microsoft Word document and Select "File."

Screenshot of Microsoft File

2. Select "Save as Adobe PDF."

Screenshot of Save as Adobe PDF

3. Select a filename and then select "Save."

Screenshot of PDF Save

4. Open Adobe Acrobat DC and select "Combine Files."

Screenshot of Combine Files

5. Select "Add Files."

Screenshot of Add files

6. Select the files you would like to combine and select "Open." To select a list of files, hold the Shift key and then select the top and bottom files. To select various files, hold Ctrl and Select each file.

Screenshot of Open Files

7. Select "Combine."

Screenshot of Combine

8. The process is now complete. The combined files will open in a new binder.  

9. To re-organize the pages of your PDF, select "Organize Pages."

Screenshot of Organize pages

10. Re-organize the pages by selecting and dragging to the appropriate order. 

Screenshot of Open Pages

Converting a PDF to a JPEG and inserting the image

1. Navigate to Adobe Acrobat DC and select "File." Then, select "Open."

Screenshot of Adobe File Open

2. Select the PDF you would like to convert to a JPEG and select "Open."

Screenshot of Open File

3. With the file open, navigate to "Export To > Image > JPEG."

Screenshot of Export File

4. Name the image and select "Save."

Screenshot of Naming File

5. Navigate to Word, and then to Word's "Insert" tab.Then, select "Pictures."

Screenshot of Insert Picture

6. Select the JPEG image you have created and select "Insert."

Screenshot of Insert JPEG

7. Your image is now inserted into your Word document.

Screenshot of Image in Word document

Keywordsinsert, pdf, word document, jpeg, image, export, save as, adobe, pdf, acrobat dc   Doc ID63645
OwnerSteve K.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2016-05-25 15:25:23Updated2022-10-31 14:00:00
SitesUW Green Bay
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