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Qualtrics - Adding a Consent Form to Your Survey
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Adding a Consent Block
1. Create a new survey.
2. Select "Add Block" at the bottom of the first block of your survey.
3. Click and drag the block above the Default Question Block.
4. In the new block:
1. Select "Add new Question."
2. Select "Text / Graphic." This is where you will type or copy/paste your consent statement.
5. After this question:
1. Select "Add new Question."
2. Make it multiple choice with options “I consent” and “I do not consent” or similar.
6. Select the Survey Flow button on the left-hand side of the screen. The page should list “Show Block: Block 1” and “Show Block: Default Question Block” or similar.
8. Select "Add a New Element Here."
9. Select "Branch."
10. Select "Add a Condition."
11. Create the logic following the screenshot below:
1. Question, Which Question, Choice, Is Selected.
2. Select "OK."
12. On the "Default Question Block":
1. Select "Move."
2. Drag it into the "Add a New Element Here" underneath the Branch.
13. At the bottom, select "Add a New Element Here."
14. Select "End of Survey."
15. Select "Apply" in the bottom right-hand corner.