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Distance Education: Maps & Directions

This document details instructions for locating the distance ed rooms. A link to general maps and directions to the university are also included.

***NOTE: The Maps & Directions website provides useful information about getting to and around the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus. Maps of key campus features/buildings, student housing, and the Cofrin Arboretum, as well as routes to and from campus, can all be found.***

***NOTE: The following are directions from entering campus to the Distance Education rooms in Instructional Services and Mary Ann Cofrin Hall.***

To IS 1034 Distance Education room

1. If it is a weekday between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. enter through the Main Entrance and get a parking permit from the Parking Office (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. during the summer).

2. Otherwise enter campus through the Nicolet Entrance.

3. Turn left on Laboratory Drive and park in the Laboratory Sciences Parking Lot.

4. There is a sidewalk near the handicap parking that leads to Laboratory Sciences.

5. Enter the first door you come to and go down the stairs. You are now in the university's concourse system. On the floor there will be green tiles to help direct you through the concourse system.

6. As you travel through the concourse there are also signs placed near the ceiling telling you which building you are entering. Walk through Environmental Sciences to Instructional Services.

7. Upon entering Instructional Services, take the first left.

8. The hall will turn to the right. About halfway down the hall will be Instructional Services 1034.

9. If you have any questions or the door is not open, please go to the Help Desk at Instructional Services  IS1150 or call (920) 465-2309.

To MAC 137 and MAC 133 Distance Education rooms

1. If it is a weekday between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. enter through the Main Entrance and get a parking permit from the Parking Office (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. during the summer).

2. Otherwise enter campus through the Nicolet Entrance.

3. Turn left on Sports Center Drive and park in the Visitor Lot of Mary Ann Cofrin Hall.

4. After entering the building there will be a large staircase going down on your right.

5. At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and look for Distance Education Classroom signs

6. If you have any questions or the door is not open, please go to the Help Desk at Instructional Services  IS1150 or call (920) 465-2309.

Keywordsdistance ed, maps, IS1034, 1034, MAC 133, MAC 137   Doc ID77857
OwnerSteve K.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2017-11-01 14:55:41Updated2022-10-28 10:05:13
SitesUW Green Bay
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