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Canvas - How to Migrate Course from D2L to Canvas

This document details how to move a course from D2L to Canvas.

Create the Zip Package
Import the Zip Package into Canvas
View Current Jobs

Create the Zip Package

To move your course from D2L to Canvas, you have to first create a file called a zip package which you can then upload into Canvas.

1. If you are using a default navigation bar in D2L and see a button that says "Export This Course" you can skip ahead to step 4. If you do not see this button, select "Edit Course" and complete steps 2 and 3.

2. Select "Import/Export/Copy Components" from the forest of icons.

Screenshot of Course Administration with Import Export Copy Components Highlighted

3. Select "export components" and select "Start."

Screenshot of Import Export Copy Components with Export Components Highlighted


    1. Select the items you want to export

    2. Select "Continue."

Screenshot of Select Course Material Example

5. Confirm that these are the course items you want and select "Continue" again.

Screenshot of Confirm Components to Export Example

6. Select "Finish" once the items you selected have check marks next to them.

Screenshot of Export Course Components with Finish Highlighted

7. Select the "Click here to download the export Zip package" link and the file will download to your default download location.

Screenshot of Export Summary Example

Import the Zip Package into Canvas

Navigate to this Canvas Instructor's Guide for more information: How do I import content from Desire 2 Learn (D2L) into Canvas?. All pictures below are provided by the Guide.

1. In Course Navigation, select the "Settings" link. 

Screenshot of Course Navigation with Settings Highlighted

2. Select the "Import Course Content" link.

Screenshot of Settings with Import Course Content Highlighted

3. In the Content Type drop-down menu, select the "D2L export .zip format" option.

Screenshot of Import content with Content Type Drop Down Menu Highlighted

4. Select the "Choose File" button.

Screenshot of Import Content with Choose File Selected


    1) Find and select the D2L .zip file you want to import.

    2) Select "Open."

Screenshot of File Explorer with .zip File Selected

6. In the Default Question Bank drop-down menu, select the question bank you would like to use. 

Screenshot of Default Question Bank with Drop Down Menu Selected

***NOTE: If you do not have a question bank you want to use, you can create a new question bank. In the drop-down menu, select the "-- Create new question bank --" option. Navigate to this page in the Canvas Instructor Guide for more information: How do I create a question bank in a course? ***

Screenshot of Default Question Bank with Create New Question Bank Highlighted

7. To import all content from the course, select "All Content." To import only specific content, select "Select Specific Content." Navigate to this page in the Canvas Instructor Guide for more information on the specific content option: How do I select specific content as part of a course import?

***NOTE: If you select the specific content option, you are required to select the content you want to import after you review the remaining page options. After you start importing the content, the import selection cannot be canceled.***

Screenshot of Select Migration Content with All Content Selected

8. If you want to adjust the due dates associated with the course events and assignments, select "Adjust events and due dates." Navigate to this page in the Canvas Instructor Guide for more information on adjusting due dates: How do I adjust events and due dates in a course import?

Screenshot of Options with Adjust Events and Due Dates Selected

9. Select "Import."

Screenshot with Import Button Highlighted

View Current Jobs

  Screenshot of Current Jobs Screen 

The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Jobs can appear in these two different ways:

  1. Running reports display a menu bar with the time remaining to complete the import.
  2. If you chose to select specific content in your course, the current job will show as Waiting for Select, which means you must select the content you want to import.

However, the import may also display other status indicators as part of the import process. Navigate to this page on the Canvas Instructor Guide for more information: How do I view the status of current and prior course imports?

View the content from any completed imports by accessing any link in Course Navigation.

Canvas, D2L, migrate, move, change, LMS
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Todd D. in UW Green Bay
UW Green Bay