Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Departmental Support > Purchasing

Purchasing - Department Purchases of Computers and Monitors

This document details the ins and outs for department purchases of computers and monitors.

Related KBs
Policy for Funding the Acquisition and Support of University Workstations

University departments can only purchase computers and monitors that are listed on this web site and they must be purchased through GBIT. If the computers listed on these pages do not meet your requirements, please contact Zach Gloshen ( or 920-465-2470) before buying any computers (including tablets).  

***NOTE: We will not support any computer or tablet that was not purchased by IT unless we approved it in writing beforehand.*** 

Navigate to the following site for more information: Technology Purchases.

Keywordscomputer, monitor, mac, imac, macbook, HP, Dell, Microsoft, surface, laptop, desktop, laptops, desktops, cpu, tower, ipad, ipads, tablet, tablets   Doc ID85671
OwnerSteve K.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2018-09-14 13:56:37Updated2022-11-08 13:07:37
SitesUW Green Bay
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