Kaltura - Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go) app for mobile devices

UW System Digital Learning Environment (DLE) users can now access their Kaltura media through the Kaltura MediaSpace Go app for mobile.

The app supports many of the features of the Kaltura Mediaspace desktop site. Users can use it to upload and manage their media and access advanced features such as In Video Quizzes and channel subscriptions. More information on the app is available in Kaltura's documentation Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go). Kaltura has additional documentation on creating or uploading content in their documents Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go) for Android User Guide and Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go) for iOS User Guide.

Note that, at this time, the Kaltura MediaSpace Go app allows users to generate links but not embed code for their media content.

Setting Up Kaltura MediaSpace Go

Kaltura MediaSpace Go is available for installation in the respective app stores for Android and iOS devices.

After installing KMS Go, you need to configure it for use with Kaltura MediaSpace:

1. Use your device's app store to search for and install.

2. Select the to Enter the URL for Your Site button and enter https://mediaspace.wisconsin.edu.

Opening screen for KMS Go app.

3. You will be redirected to the Kaltura MediaSpace Go homepage for the UWSA DLE. Click University of Wisconsin System at the top of the page to add your account.

KMS Go app screen. Mostly blank with University of Wisconsin System link at the top.

4. On the "Guest" screen, click Login.
KMS Go "Guest" page. Click Log In.

5. On the UW System login screen, choose your campus and enter your campus login credentials.

6. You are now logged in. Click the Upload link at the bottom of the page to import new media from your phone. Click University of Wisconsin System at the top of the page to access your list of media.
KMS Go application page. Mostly blank with Upload and University of Wisconsin System links highlighted.
7. From your My Media page, you can continue watching videos, access your list of media, "watch later" list, "downloads" list, and create playlists.
KMS Go My Media page.
For more information on what you can do with your media in KMS Go, see the Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go) for Android User Guide and Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go) for iOS User Guide.

KeywordsKMS android apple ios tablet phone iphone mobile kaltura mediaspace go configure configuration setup goDoc ID95109
OwnerThomas A.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2019-10-18 14:44:21Updated2024-03-26 10:20:06
SitesUW Green Bay, UW System Administration DLE
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