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Canvas - Enable Third-Party Cookies for Kaltura Videos and Other External Tools

This document details instructions for enabling third-party cookies in Chrome and other internet browsers in order to resolve errors seen in Canvas while trying to view Kaltura My Media videos or another external tool integration.

You may see the following error or a similar error while trying to play a Kaltura video or access other content embedded in your Canvas course site:

It seems your browser is blocking 3rd party session cookies which are required for the Kaltura application. To resolve the issue, please update your settings to allow 3rd party cookies.

Allowing third-party cookies is necessary for the proper functionality of many external tool integrations in Canvas. These cookies contain necessary information that the external tools in Canvas use to verify your identity and your right to access the content. Some examples of external tool integrations in Canvas that need to set third-party cookies in order to function properly are Kaltura (My Media) videos, Collaborations, and PlayPosit. If third-party cookies are being blocked by browser security settings, these integrations will show an error message that references cookies or local storage. Sometimes, instead of displaying an error message, an external tool won't finish loading or won't load at all if its cookies are being blocked. Internet browser developers have begun blocking third-party cookies in their default security or privacy settings to protect users from being tracked by third-party advertisers and marketers that place ads on other websites. Unfortunately, these settings often block content within Canvas courses, which commonly incorporate content from legitimate third-party applications. This guide details how to set Google Chrome up to allow third-party cookies for all websites. For enhanced security and privacy, this guide also provides instructions on how to allow specific cookies on a website instead of allowing blanket access to all third-party cookies.

UW-Green Bay recommends students use Google Chrome as their internet browser while accessing their Canvas courses as Chrome is the most widely supported browser by Canvas and its integrated tools. Google Chrome can be freely downloaded from Google's Chrome website. Installing and using Chrome on your computer will help ensure you experience the greatest compatibility with the tools deployed in Canvas. We also recommend turning off any third-party ad-blocking or security-oriented Chrome extensions while accessing Canvas, as these extensions can override your browser's built-in cookie settings and interfere with the functionality of external tool integrations.

Instructions for enabling third-party cookies in other mainstream internet browsers and mobile browsers are linked to at the end of this document.

To allow all third-party cookies in Chrome

  1. Enter chrome://settings/cookies in the Chrome address bar.
  2. Under "Default behavior", select Allow third-party cookies.
  3. Close the Settings browser tab and resume browsing

Please see the Google Chrome Help page on cookies for more information.

To temporarily allow all third-party cookies in Canvas on Chrome

The following steps allow you to quickly allow all third-party cookies in Canvas or another website; however, this setting can only be enabled temporarily and will be reset by Chrome every 90 days.

  1. Navigate to the Canvas page that contains the third-party tool that is experiencing blocked cookie issues.
  2. Near the right-end of Chrome's address bar, select the eye icon.
  3. Enable the "Third Party Cookies" option slider

    Screenshot of Chrome Blocked Cookies window that appears after clicking the eye icon

  4. The page should refresh automatically and the necessary cookies will be allowed for 90 days. After 90 days, Chrome will revert to blocking third-party cookies on that website and you would need to repeat these steps.

To allow third-party cookies from a specific website in Chrome

  1. Navigate to the website that contains the third-party tool that is experiencing blocked cookie issues.
  2. Select the site settings icon found in the left-end of Chrome's address bar.
  3. Select Cookies and site data.

    Screenshot of Chrome site settings menu accessed via clicking the site settings icon in the address bar. The Cookies and site data menu option is highlighted.

  4. Select Manage on-device site data

    Screenshot of the chrome cookies and site data menu with the "Manage on-site device data" option highlighted

  5. For each site you wish to allow to set cookies that is listed under "Data from embedded sites" in the On-device site data menu, select more actions (the three dots icon) across from the site's name, then select Allow to set third-party cookies.
  6. Select Done.

    Screenshot of the Chrome On-device site data menu with more options menu of a site expanded and the "Allow site to set third-party cookies" option highlighted

  7. Select Reload to refresh the page and allow the accepted cookies.

Enabling third-party cookies in other browsers

While Google Chrome is the recommended browser for accessing Canvas courses, it may be possible to allow third-party cookies in other web browsers and have the external tools in Canvas load properly. Here are links to guides for other mainstream browsers:

Enabling third-party cookies in mobile browsers

Please reference these linked guides for information on allowing third-party cookies in mobile browsers:

Keywordscanvas, kultura, third-party, session, blocking, It seems your browser is blocking, video, videos, my media, mymedia, kultura video, google, google chrome, 3rd, party, cookie, application, allow, settings   Doc ID99784
OwnerScott B.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2020-03-31 10:59:36Updated2024-02-05 12:39:09
SitesUW Green Bay
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