News and Announcements

UWGB Network Services have been restored (12:00PM)

Posted: 2018-09-21 08:32:55   Expiration: 2018-09-21 15:30:55

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2018-09-21 08:32:55. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

All systems are now available

Update UWGB Network Services have been restored (12:00PM) if you are still experiencing problems restart your computer and contact the helpdesk at or call 920-465-2309

Update: 10:39 AM SIS is now available. 

Update: 10:21 AM Please restart your computer. Some systems are functional but SIS and Email are still not fully functional. We will send another update when we have more information. 

Update: 9:00 AM UWGB campus network is down. 

-- UW Green Bay: Kevin Boerschinger