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PlayPosit (Canvas) - Create a New Bulb

UW-Green Bay instructors can use PlayPosit to create interactive videos, called "bulbs", and assign those bulbs to students in their Canvas courses. UWGB PlayPosit users can create bulbs from videos in their Kaltura My Media library or videos that are publicly shared on YouTube or Vimeo. After selecting a video source, the user can add interactions to the bulb to turn their video into an engaging learning experience. This guide provides instructions for creating a new PlayPosit bulb in UWGB's Canvas environment.

You can build PlayPosit bulbs in Canvas as a graded external tool assignment, an ungraded module item, or an ungraded embed added via the Rich Content Editor. Perform the following steps to create a new PlayPosit bulb:

  1. Create or locate the Kaltura, YouTube, or Vimeo video you intend to use in the PlayPosit bulb before you open PlayPosit. To make a bulb from one of your own video recordings, make sure you have already uploaded that recording to your Kaltura My Media library (see: Kaltura My Media and Canvas). To make a bulb from a publicly available YouTube or Vimeo video, make sure you can find that video online and are prepared to paste its URL into PlayPosit.
  2. In your assignment, module item, or Rich Content Editor menu, select PlayPosit from the external tools. If you are unsure how to do this, please reference the first few steps of one of the guides below:

  3. After selecting PlayPosit from the list of external tools during the new assignment, module item, or Rich Content Editor embedding process, the PlayPosit setup menu will open in a pop-up window. Select Enter PlayPosit.

    screenshot of the PlayPosit setup menu

  4. Select the Add New Bulb button that is located above the list of your bulbs. The PlayPosit designer will launch in a new browser tab.

    screenshot of the add new bulb button in PlayPosit

  5. Click anywhere to dismiss the "Did you know?" designer tip and reveal the bulb designer.

  6. In the Video Source menu, select one of the following supported options:

    • Kaltura: Select Kaltura to choose a video source from a searchable list of videos in your Kaltura My Media library.
    • YouTube: Select YouTube to search for a public YouTube video to use as your video source.
    • Vimeo: Select Vimeo to search for a public Vimeo video to use as your video source.
    • Input URL: If you have a direct link to a YouTube or Vimeo video you would like to use as your video source, select Input URL then paste the link into the "Input URL" field.

    NOTE: The "Upload Video" and "Record" options are not supported for PlayPosit at UWGB. To make a video available as a video source in PlayPosit, UWGB users should upload that video to the Kaltura My Media service. To view instructions on uploading a video to Kaltura, please visit Kaltura (Canvas) - Uploading Videos .

    screenshot of the PlayPosit video source menu

  7. After selecting your video source type, use the search box and search results to find your video, then click on the video's title.

    screenshot of the PlayPosit video source search bar and search results

  8. Once you have found and selected the video you wish to use as your bulb's video source, click the Done button at the bottom of the video source menu to confirm your selection and add it to the bulb.

    screenshot of the PlayPosit video source menu after a video has been selected

  9. Add an interaction to your bulb by performing the following steps (and repeat these steps as desired to add additional interactions):

    1. Use the play controls and video scrub bar at the bottom of the designer to navigate to the time of the video when you would like your interaction to appear.

    2. Click the Add an Interaction button.

      screenshot of the add an interaction button in PlayPosit

    3. Select an interaction type from the list of options.

      screenshot of the interaction type menu in PlayPosit
    4. Enter in the interaction details (pause or question text, answer options, correct answers, etc.) and desired settings.

    5. Click Done to save the interaction and add it to your bulb.

      screenshot of the edit interaction details menu in PlayPosit

    TIP: To stack multiple consecutive interactions at the same time of your bulb, click the Add Interaction to Group button underneath an existing interaction to create an additional interaction that will appear immediately after the existing interaction.

    screenshot of the add interaction to group button in PlayPosit

    TIP: Within the Interactions tab, you can click any existing interaction to edit it.

    READ MORE: To view a full, detailed guide to adding interactions to a PlayPosit Bulb, please visit the Building a Bulb guide on PlayPosit's knowledge website.

    READ MORE: The PlayPosit designer has a Template Gallery that can be used to instantly add pre-made, customizable interactions to any bulb. To learn more about using the template gallery in PlayPosit, please visit the Interaction Templates guide on PlayPosit's knowledge website.

  10. Once you have added interactions and are ready to save your bulb, select the Review tab of the designer. To finish creating your bulb, perform the following steps in the Review tab:

    1. Enter a Bulb title.
    2. (Optional) Select the Preview button to test your bulb in a preview player. If needed, return to the designer's Interactions tab to make any desired changes to the interactions. After making your changes, return to the designer's Review tab to finish saving your bulb.
    3. Select the Save button then select the Close button on the confirmation screen to close the PlayPosit designer's browser tab and return to the tab with your Canvas course from which you launched the PlayPosit designer.

    READ MORE: To view a full, detailed guide on the advanced settings available when creating a PlayPosit bulb, please visit the Building a Bulb guide on PlayPosit's knowledge website.

    screenshot of the PlayPosit designer's review tab

  11. In the PlayPosit setup menu in the Canvas browser tab, select the Set Bulb Link icon (red Canvas logo) next to your newly created bulb's title to add it to your Canvas assignment, module item, or page.

    screenshot of the set bulb link icon in PlayPosit

  12. Make sure Self Paced is selected in the "Select Learner Experience" drop-down menu and that, if present, the "Placement" drop-down menu is set to Embed. Then select the Link button to finish linking your bulb to the Canvas assignment, module item, or Rich Content Editor embed.

    Screenshot of the PlayPosit link menu with learner experience and placement options

  13. Finish the setup of your assignment, module item, or page in Canvas. If you are unsure how to do this, please reference the last few steps of one of the guides below:

Keywordsplay posit canvas bulbs kaltura YouTube Vimeo my media interactive video interaction interactions lti external tool app design designer   Doc ID111181
OwnerScott B.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2021-06-03 15:17:57Updated2024-04-01 15:43:44
SitesUW Green Bay
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