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Canvas - Zoom Integration Guide

This document details information on using Zoom within Canvas at UW-Green Bay.

Related KBs
Zoom - Service Overview
Canvas - Scheduling Zoom Meetings for Class Sessions
Canvas - Resolving Zoom Error "User does not exist"

Table of Contents

  1. Creating Your UW System Zoom Account
  2. Using the Canvas Zoom Integration
  3. Scheduling Meetings
  4. Joining Meetings
  5. Sharing Meeting Links
  6. Editing or Deleting Meetings
  7. View Recordings
  8. View Reports for Previous Meetings
  9. Personal Meeting Room

Creating Your UW System Zoom Account

It is recommended to create your UW System Zoom user account before using the Canvas integration. Zoom user accounts are created automatically upon first sign-in to the UW System Zoom portal. To sign in:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select Sign in.

    Screenshot of Zoom Home Screen

  3. On the following screen, select UW-Green Bay as your organization in the drop-down menu then select Go.

    Screenshot of System Authentication

  4. Sign in with your UWGB email address and password and, if necessary, complete your multi-factor authentication step.

You may get a confirmation email or on-screen prompt asking you to activate your Zoom user account and/or switch it into the UW System Zoom account. If you had previously registered for a personal Zoom account using your "" email address, you are required to either switch your preexisting Zoom user account into the UW System Zoom account or change the email address used for your personal Zoom license. 

If you wish to keep your personal Zoom account separate from your UW System Zoom account, log into your personal Zoom account at and update the email address tied to that account so that the account is no longer associated with your UWGB email address.

If you get an error upon login at, you may have to first sign into the personal Zoom account that used your email address at and follow the prompts to consolidate that account or change the email address on the account.

For information on the effects of moving an existing personal Zoom user account into the UW System Zoom account, please reference Zoom - Consolidating existing accounts to UW System.

Using the Canvas Zoom Integration

A Zoom link will be present in your Canvas course's course navigation menu. Click the Zoom link to access the Zoom integration to schedule video meetings, join previously scheduled meetings, and view cloud recordings that were created during meetings for that class.

screenshot of the Zoom link in a Canvas course navigation menu

Scheduling Meetings

Meetings scheduled by the course teacher with the Canvas Zoom integration will appear on the course calendar and on the student To Do list. To schedule a Zoom meeting for your class:

  1. Select the Zoom link in the course navigation menu.

  2. Select Schedule a New Meeting.

    Screenshot of the Schedule a New Meeting button in the Canvas Zoom integration

  3. Edit the Topic field to modify the title of the meeting. The topic will be used as the name of the event that is automatically created on the Canvas calendar and student To-Do lists.

  4. Enter date, time, duration, and recurrence options.

    screenshot of the schedule meeting menu in the Zoom Canvas integration

  5. Adjust any other settings as needed, then select "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Please reference the following article for a detailed guide on scheduling Zoom meetings for your Canvas class: Canvas - Scheduling Zoom Meetings for Class Sessions.

Joining Meetings

Follow these instructions to join a scheduled meeting:

  1. Select the Zoom link in the course navigation menu.

  2. In the Upcoming Meetings tab, select "Start" to start a meeting you have scheduled, or select "Join" to join a meeting that someone else has scheduled.

    Screenshot of the Start button for a Zoom meeting in the Canvas integration

Users can also join meetings by selecting the join link in the Canvas course calendar event or anywhere else it has been shared. However, we recommend that teachers and other meeting hosts start their meeting through the Upcoming Meetings tab of the Canvas Zoom integration to ensure they are automatically signed in to their UW System Zoom user account and enter the meeting as the host.

Sharing Meeting Links

To give your students an additional way to access the meeting link, we recommend copying the meeting invitation and pasting it in a page in the introductory module of your course. You can also paste the meeting invitation in an email message to students or send it to guest speakers. Follow these steps to copy the meeting invitation for your scheduled meeting:

  1. Select the Zoom link in the course navigation menu.

  2. In the Upcoming Meetings tab, select the name of your meeting under Topic.

  3. In the Invite Attendees section, select Copy Meeting Invitation.

    Screenshot of the "Copy Meeting Invitation" link a Zoom meeting's details page in the Canvas integration

  4. In the meeting invitation window that appears, select the Copy Meeting Invitation button

  5. Share the meeting invitation with your students by pasting it in a page in the introductory module of your Canvas course and/or an email message to your students.

***NOTE: For scheduled recurring meetings, each meeting recurrence in the series uses the same join link. Attendees can use the same link to join each meeting in the recurring series.***

Editing or Deleting Meetings

  1. Select the Zoom link in the course navigation menu.

  2. In the Upcoming Meetings tab, select the name of the meeting.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the meeting information and select "Delete this Meeting" or "Edit this Meeting."

    Screenshot of the buttons for deleting or editing an existing meeting in the Canvas Zoom integration

View Recordings

In the Cloud Recordings tab of the Zoom integration, teachers and students can view the cloud recordings of meetings created with the Canvas integration.

***NOTE: Course teachers must publish a recording in the Cloud Recordings tab before course students can view the recording.***

Cloud recordings are saved for 180 days and then are deleted from the Zoom server. If you need to retain a meeting recording for longer than 180 days, you must download it before its expiration.

Longer-term storage and sharing of a Zoom cloud recording can be achieved by uploading the downloaded video file to the UW System Kaltura service. By default, only teachers are given the option to download or delete videos.

Perform the following steps to view a Zoom cloud recording in your course:

  1. Select the Zoom link in the course navigation menu.

  2. Select the Cloud Recordings tab.

    Screenshot of the Canvas Zoom integration with the Cloud Recordings tab highlighted

  3. Teachers only: To allow students to view a meeting recording, select the Publish switch for that recording.

    Screenshot of the Zoom Cloud Recordings list in the Canvas integration with an arrow pointing to the switch for publishing a recording

  4. Select the title (topic) of a meeting in the Cloud Recordings list, then select the Play button in the middle of the thumbnail for the video recording to open the recording.

    Screenshot of the Play Button for a Zoom Recording

***NOTE: After a cloud recording has been stopped, it takes about twice the recording's duration for it to finish processing and become available to view.***
***NOTE: Teachers may encounter a "Download has been disabled by the administrator" error message when attempting to download Zoom recordings from the Canvas integration if they are not concurrently signed in to the UW System Zoom web portal. To work around this issue, sign into the web portal before attempting to download recordings.***

View Reports for Previous Meetings

Screenshot of the Previous Meetings tab of the Canvas Zoom integration with an arrow pointing to the Report link of a listed meeting

Meeting and Poll reports for concluded meetings can be viewed from the Previous Meetings tab of the Zoom Canvas integration. Select the Report link of a previous meeting's listing to view the following reports:

Meeting Report: Contains the times each user joined and left the meeting.

Poll Report: Contains responses given to any polls started during the meeting.

Personal Meeting Room

The Personal Meeting Room tab shows information for your personal meeting room.

Teachers will see their own personal meeting information when accessing this tab.

***NOTE: This tab is simply a "shortcut" to that information and not something that students can access directly.***

If you wish to use your personal meeting room for office hours, you can select Copy Meeting Invitation in this tab and share it with your students by pasting it in a Canvas course page. Your personal meeting room's join link is the same for all courses.

You can also launch your personal meeting room from this tab by selecting the Start this Meeting button at the bottom of the page.

Keywordsvideoconference, webconference, conference, web, video, lti, external, tool, video, meeting, virtual, classroom, meetings, schedule, view, cloud, recording, recordings, join   Doc ID112974
OwnerScott B.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2021-08-11 13:48:08Updated2024-06-19 09:56:46
SitesUW Green Bay
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