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Technology Access on Campus

This document details the free technology that students have access to on campus.

Library Checkouts
Printing on Campus
Computer Labs and Remote Lab

We recommend that you have access to a personal device; it is always smart to bring your own! Navigate to this KB to view our technology recommendations for students: Technology Recommendations for New Students.

Library Checkouts

This is a great resource if your computer needs repair or you are in search of a new laptop. All checkouts are available at the Public Services desk on the 3rd floor. For information regarding these checkouts, navigate to the Cofrin Library's Equipment Checkout web page.

Printing on Campus

For a full list of print locations located on campus, printing resources, how to print, etc. please navigate to the Student Printing Documentation KB.

***NOTE: The Cofrin Library also offers copier and scanning services on the 3rd floor.***

Computer Labs and Remote Lab

Students can use the computer labs for access to software and other features that might not be available on their personal devices. A full list of this software can be found by navigating to this KB: [Link for document 24068 is unavailable at this time].

There are two computer labs available on campus; the Cofrin Library and the General Access Lab (GAC) in the Instructional Services Building. 

The Cofrin Library Computer Lab is open the same hours as the library. You can view these hours through accessing this link: UW-Green Bay Libraries' Hours

For more information regarding hours for the GAC Lab, navigate to this KB: [Link for document 26319 is unavailable at this time]

To access the PCs in the computer labs after hours, you may use the Remote Lab at For more information on how to use remote lab on your personal device, navigate to this KB: Remote Lab - Student Access.

print, printing, technology, students, campus, access,
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Steve K. in UW Green Bay
UW Green Bay