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Course Evaluations (Students) - Accessing and Completing Your Evaluations

This article describes how UW-Green Bay students can access and fill out a course evaluation survey.

Once the evaluation period opens for a course, students can access the evaluation form through their email invitation, the Canvas integration, or by navigating directly to UW-Green Bay's course evaluation portal. Typically, course evaluation surveys are open to students 7 or 14 days before the last day of class (depending on the length of the session) and remain available to fill out and submit until 11:59pm on the last day of class. Use a supported web browser on your internet-connected computer or mobile device to access and complete your evaluations.

Most UW-Green Bay course evaluations can be accessed via the means documented in this guide, but a few academic programs use a unique evaluation form which the program independently administers using a different tool and for which these instructions do not apply. For program-specific or supplemental evaluations, please consult the instructions provided to you by your instructor or academic program office.

Table of Contents

  1. Access an Evaluation Through Canvas
  2. Access an Evaluation by Email Invitation
  3. Access an Evaluation Through the Online Portal
  4. Completing and Submitting Your Evaluation
  5. Understanding Evaluation Statuses

Access an Evaluation Through Canvas

During the evaluation period, students may select the UWGB Course Evaluation link in the course navigation menu of any Canvas course to view their list of assigned course evaluations.

screenshot of the UWGB Course Evaluation link in a Canvas course's navigation menu

In the list of your evaluations, select a course title to open its evaluation form. When prompted, sign in with your UWGB email address and password.

The Canvas integration also lists the status of each evaluation and the due date for submissions.

If none of your courses are currently open for evaluation, you will see the message, "You have no open course evaluations. Please check again during the last week of your class." 

screenshot of the evaluation list in the Canvas integration page

Access an Evaluation by Email Invitation

On the day evaluations become available to students, each student will receive an automated email message from "UW-Green Bay Course Evaluation" which contains a list of all of their available course evaluations. You can open the evaluation form for a specific course by selecting its title or open your list of all assigned evaluations by selecting the "Follow this link to the Evaluation form" link at the bottom of the email message. If prompted after selecting a link, sign in with your UWGB email address and password.

screenshot of an example email invitation message from the UWGB course evaluation service

From the list of all assigned evaluations, you can select an evaluation to begin filling it out. Each evaluation will show its status and "Ends on" date underneath the course title. You must submit your evaluation before 11:59pm on its "Ends on" date (US Central Time Zone).

screenshot of the list of evaluations page inside the UWGB course evaluation system

Access an Evaluation Through the Online Portal

Students may view a list of their assigned evaluations by navigating to the "UWGB Evals" portal through a direct link and signing into it with their UWGB email and password. Use the following link to access the portal:
Access the UWGB Evals Portal

After signing in, the "My Home" page shows a list of assigned evaluations under the heading "Tasks." Each listed task shows the course name, evaluation status, and due date. Select a course title to open its evaluation.

screenshot of the task list on the "My Home" page of the UWGB Evals portal

Completing and Submitting Your Evaluation

Each evaluation begins on a welcome page. Review the instructions on this page and then select Start Now or Next to proceed. Complete the evaluation by selecting responses for single and multiple selection questions and entering text into open-ended questions. Please read the questions and answer choices carefully. Evaluations for co-taught classes will include separate sets of questions for each instructor.

After answering all questions on the form, submit your responses by selecting the Submit button. The Submit button appears at the bottom of the form when filling out your evaluation on a desktop or laptop computer. When filling out the form on a mobile device, the Submit button appears in a banner displayed at the top of the page.

screenshot of the submit button as seen on a desktop computer

You can save your progress on an evaluation without submitting it by selecting the Save button found at the top of the form. Please note that saving your evaluation with the Save button is not the same as submitting it. You may save a partially completed evaluation so that you can return to it and finish later, but for your feedback to be counted, you must complete and submit the evaluation before its due date.

Understanding Evaluation Statuses

Your list of assigned evaluations displays a status for each evaluation. View the definition of each status in the following list:

  • "Open" means the evaluation is available to fill out.
  • "In Progress" means you began the evaluation and saved your progress but you have not yet submitted it.
  • "Completed" means you have completed and submitted the evaluation.
  • "Expired" means that the due date to submit the evaluation has passed and it can no longer be completed.

If you need to update your responses on a completed evaluation, you can do so up until the evaluation’s due date. To update your responses on a completed evaluation, access the evaluation form, update your responses, and resubmit the form. After the due date, completed evaluations cannot be updated and expired evaluations cannot be reopened.

KeywordsExplorance Blue eval evals student evaluation of instruction ccq UWGB course fill out fillout task survey form complete status submit submitting open in progress completed update   Doc ID127057
OwnerScott B.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2023-04-04 15:04:02Updated2023-04-24 08:45:53
SitesUW Green Bay
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