Topics Map > Instructional Resources
Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Password Reset

Quick Links for Students

This document provides quick links to essential IT resources and guides for students at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay. For detailed instructions, please refer to the specific linked KB articles.

Related KB:

Password and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

NOTE: For security reasons, password resets can only be assisted in person or over the phone.

Password Reset

Multi-Factor Authentication (Okta Verify)

Network and Connectivity

WiFi Connection

Clearing Cache

Open a Private Browsing Tab


Printing on Campus

Student Resources and Software

Tech Checklist for Students

Student Resources (GBIT Website)

Office 365 Download

Course Management and Email

Access Canvas

Access Email

Access SIS

Access Wings Portal

Contact GBIT Service Desk

Get Tech Help

Need More Help?

If you're encountering difficulties with any of the above links, have questions about the setup process, or need further assistance, the GBIT Service Desk is here to help. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is available at IS 1150, ready to assist. Please note, for your security, we can only assist with multi-factor authentication (MFA) and password issues in person or over the phone, not over email. You can reach us by phone at 920-465-2309 and email at Whether it's a simple question or a complex issue, we're here to ensure your experience with our IT services is smooth and secure. Don't hesitate to get in touch!


Keywordswifi, reset password, print documents, student tech checklist, student resources, Office 365, GBIT Service Desk, connect device, campus printing, download Office 365, GB, UWGB, Orientation, GBO, Okta, MFA   Doc ID137531
OwnerHunter C.GroupUW Green Bay
Created2024-05-28 08:14:48Updated2024-05-28 10:25:59
SitesUW Green Bay
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