Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Applications
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Topics Map > GBIT Service Desk Services > Shared Drives
macOS - Remote File Access using Cyberduck
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VPN - User Guide
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Setting up the Application
Opening a File from a Share
Uploading a File to a Share
***NOTE: Only course shares can be accessed using Cyberduck.***
***NOTE: Faculty and staff accessing network drives should use VPN and map their network drives.***
Setting up the Application
1. Download Cyberduck from
2. Drag the Cyberduck application from Downloads to the Applications folder to install.
3. Open the Cyberduck application from your Applications in Finder.
4. Upon launching the application, it will ask for confirmation of launch. Select "Open."
5. Cyberduck will ask to be the default application for FTP and SFTP locations. It's not necessary to change it.
6. With the application open, select the plus sign in the lower left hand corner.
7. In the following screen:
1. Select WebDAV (HTTPS) from the dropdown.
2. Nickname: Enter in a nickname that can be whatever is useful to you.
3. Server: Enter in ""
4. Username: Enter in your UWGB email address.
5. Password: Enter in your UWGB password.
6. Path is the course share name, which you will obtain from your instructor. If there is a $ at the end of course share name, you need to omit it.
***NOTE: For example, if the drive is normally connected in the lab with "smb://$" then you will type "/Design332_lec1" for the path. ***
After you are done, you can close the window to save your changes.
8. Double-click the share in Cyberduck to open it.
9. Your shared drive and its contents will now be present. You can open any file and view its content.
Opening a File from a Share
1. Double-tap a file to download and view it.
2. Cyberduck will show when the download is complete.
3. Files will download to your Downloads folder by default. You can view and edit the file from there.
Uploading a File to a Share
1. In Cyberduck, open the folder in the share where you want the file to be saved.
2. Tap and drag the file from your computer to the Cyberduck window.
2. A transfer window will show when the upload is complete.
3. Once the upload is complete, you will see your file in Cyberduck.