Plasma TV - How to Use a Plasma Screen TV in Cofrin Library 605M
Directions for Using the Monitor with the Desktop Computer
Directions for Using the Monitor with a PC Laptop
Directions for Using the Monitor with a MAC Laptop
Directions for Using the Monitor with an iPad
Play Audio through the Monitor Speakers
***NOTE: For help with these directions or with using the monitor, please contact the 3rd floor Public Services Desk (x2540).***
Directions for Using the Monitor with the Desktop Computer
1. Insert the monitor cord into the back of the computer.
2. Power on the monitor with the remote.
3. After logging in, on the bottom right of the computer screen there will be an arrow that will show you the hidden icons. Select it and find the light blue Intel ® HD Graphics icon. Select this icon and then choose "Graphics Properties."
4. On the Intel ® HD Graphics Control Panel, select "Display."
***NOTE: The refresh rate should be 60 hz.***
5. Close the Intel ® Graphics Control Panel.
Directions for Using the Monitor with a PC Laptop
1. Insert the monitor cord into the laptop. The outlet needed looks like the following:
2. Power on the monitor with the remote.
3. After powering on the laptop, Navigate to "Start."
4. Select "Connect to a Projector."
5. A window will pop-up, Select "Duplicate."
Directions for Using the Monitor with a Mac Laptop
1. Insert the monitor cord into a Mac adapter, and then insert the adapter into the laptop.
***NOTE: If you need an adapter for your Mac, see the 3rd floor Public Services Desk. However, there is a limited quantity available.***
***NOTE: Look for ports labeled with these icons on the side of the laptop to know where to insert the adapter: ,
2. Power on the monitor with the remote.
Directions for Using the Monitor with an iPad
1. Insert the monitor cord into an iPad adapter and then insert the adapter into the iPad.
***NOTE: If you need an iPad adapter, see the 3rd floor Public Services Desk. However, there is a limited quantity available.***
2. Power on the monitor with the remote.
***NOTE: If the iPad is turned sideways, it will fill the screen. If it is vertical, it will fill only half of the screen.***
Play Audio Through the Monitor Speakers
1. To hear audio from the computer or iPad through the speakers on the monitor, insert the audio cord that is attached to the monitor cord into the audio port of the computer or iPad.
***NOTE: The PC screen resolution should be 1280 x 1024.To fix your resolution, right click on the desktop and Select "Screen Resolution" and change resolution to 1280 x 1024 and Select "Apply."***