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Equipment - IT Client Services Rates and Fees

This document details a list of rates and fees for audio/visual equipment rentals and labor from UW-Green Bay IT Client Services.

***NOTE: All students picking up equipment need permission slip from their Instructor.***

***NOTE: No off campus checkouts.***

***NOTE: For A/V production/equipment rates, contact Media Services Technical Support.***

Instructional Use - UW-Green Bay user for classroom or classroom-related activities.
Non-instructional Use - UW-Green Bay user for non-classroom activities (i.e., meetings, clubs, etc.).
External Use - Users not associated with UW-Green Bay.

NC - No Charge
NA - Not Applicable

Equipment Costs
Equipment Instructional Use Non-Instructional Use External Use
16mm projector - daily NC NC NC
Camcorder (Cofrin Library) NC $20.00/day $20.00/day
Camcorder - TV prod. (verify on class roster) NC NC NA
Cassette recorder NC NC $8.00/day
Digital audio recorder (Cofrin Library) NC NC $8.00/day
Digital camera (Cofrin Library) NC $4.00/day $4.00/day
Document camera NC $15.00/day $30.00/day
Dry Erase Markers (colored, 4-pack) $4.00 $4.00 $4.00
Dry erase marker (black) $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
DVD player NC $10.00/day $10.00/day
Extension cord NC $3.00/day $3.00/day
Extra TV Monitor NC $5.00/day $10.00/day
Flip chart stand (includes 1 pad of paper, marking pens) NC $7.00/day $7.00/day
Flip chart stand (without paper and pens) NC $2.00/day $2.00/day
Pad of paper for flip chart stand & pens $5.00/day $5.00/day $5.00/day
Headphones NC $1.00/day $1.00/day
Lamination (horizontal 8-1/2 x 11= $1.15 per sheet) $1.50/foot $1.50/foot $1.50/foot
Laser pointer NC $1.00/day $1.00/day
Lighting kit (faculty/staff/TV production class only) NC $10.00/day NA
Opaque projector cart NC $5.00/day $10.00/day
Overhead projector, with/without cart NC $5.00/day $10.00/day
Portable LCD projector (Cofrin Library) NC $20.00/day $70.00/day
Portable LCD projector cart w/comp. NC $40.00/day $70.00/day
Portable overhead projector NC $5.00/day $10.00/day
Portable projector screens - (any size) NC $4.00/day $8.00/day
Satellite site support - campus $15.00/hour NA NA
Satellite site support (government or non-profit) NA $30.00/hour NA
Satellite site support - non-campus NA NA $150.00/hour
Slide projector NC $5.00/day $10.00/day
Sound system 1 NC $35.00/day $35.00/day
Sound system 2 NC $50.00/day $50.00/day
Sound system 3 NC $70.00/day $70.00/day
Speakerphone (Polycom Sound Station) NC $5.00/day $10.00/day
Stereo cart NC $10.00/day $20.00/day
Transparencies - black & white $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
Transparencies - color $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Tripod - daily NC $2.00 $2.00/day
Tripod - TV production - verify on class roster NC NC NC
Tripod (still camera) NC $2.00/day $2.00/day
TV (see extra TV monitor) NC $10.00/day $20.00/day
TV/VCR w/TV monitor - cart (1/2" VHS/DVD) NC $10.00/day $10.00/day
TV/VHS combo unit NC $10.00/day $10.00/day
VCR - International NC NC NA
Videoconf. site support - campus $15.00/hour NA NA
Videoconf. site support - Govt. or Non-Profit NA $30.00/hour NA
Videoconf. site support - non-campus NA NA $150.00/hour
Videoconf. Pre/Post Room Charges NA NA $35.00
Videoconf. Cancellation Fee (less than 48 hrs. notice) NA NA $75.00
White board NC $10.00/day $20.00/day
Wireless Microphone NC $10.00/day $20.00/day
Audio Duplication, Labor Cost per Unit $0.60 $0.60 $0.60
Data Duplication, Labor Cost per Unit $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Blank DVD $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
Blank CD $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Video Duplication, Labor (Less Media)
0-30 minutes $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
30-60 minutes $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
60-90 minutes $3.00 $3.00 $3.00
90+ minutes $4.00 $4.00 $4.00
Video Conversion to mp4 (for computer use)
0-30 minutes $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
30-60 minutes $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
60-90 minutes $3.00 $3.00 $3.00
90+ minutes $4.00 $4.00 $4.00
Engineering services staff per hour rate $50.00 $50.00 $50.00
Technical services staff per hour rate $35.00 $35.00 $35.00
Media Technician Assistant (student) per hour rate $15.00 $15.00 $15.00

AV, A/V, Equipment, Checkout, Rental, Rates, Fees, Academic Technology Services, Projectors, Carts, Duplication, Audio, Video, Labor, PA, Sound System, Microphone, Price List, IT Client Services
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Craig Y. in UW Green Bay
UW Green Bay