Results: 41-60 of 75

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
41Canvas (Instructors) - Course Navigation Menu Item Descriptions1357332024-03-01404
42Canvas (Instructors) - Adding a New Page to a Module1207642024-02-214544
43Canvas (Known Issue) - "Invalid submission file type" Error When Submitting to Assignment with Office 3651351872024-02-027619
44PlayPosit (Canvas) - Create a Graded Interactive Video Assignment1111732023-09-217865
45Canvas (Instructors) - Known Issue: Cannot Enable Files Link in Course Navigation Menu1313882023-09-12495
46Kognito (For Canvas Instructors) - Importing a Kognito Assignment Template1206332023-08-042140
47Canvas - Discussions Guide for Students1121712023-06-141896
48Canvas - Assignments Guide for Students1123302023-06-142169
49Canvas - Creating Discussions1121562023-06-141772
50Canvas - Creating Assignments1123292023-06-141805
51Canvas - SpeedGrader Guide for Instructors1123732023-06-141854
52Canvas - New Quizzes Guide for Instructors1125432023-06-142104
53Canvas - Creating Groups1126662023-06-141865
54Canvas - Groups Guide for Students1126672023-06-142524
55Canvas - Modules Guide for Instructors1125282023-06-142163
56Kaltura - Creating a Clip of a My Media Video in Canvas1094422023-01-202427
57Canvas - Resolving Zoom Error "User does not exist"1132152022-11-183271
58PlayPosit (Canvas) - Student Guide1112152022-11-036757
59Canvas - Scheduling Zoom Meetings for Class Sessions1133222022-10-263656
60Zoom - Cloud Recordings Not Syncing with Canvas (Known Issue)1170762022-10-252845
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