Results: 41-60 of 74

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
41Canvas - New Quizzes Guide for Students1125522023-06-141492
42Canvas - Quizzes Guide for Instructors1125532023-06-142022
43Canvas - New Quizzes Guide for Instructors1125432023-06-142078
44Canvas - Quizzes Guide for Students1125542023-06-141594
45Canvas - Creating Groups1126662023-06-141827
46Canvas - Groups Guide for Students1126672023-06-142452
47Canvas - Pages Guide for Instructors1125172023-06-142113
48Canvas - Grades & Feedback Guide for Students1125192023-06-142087
49Canvas - Gradebook Guide for Instructors1125182023-06-142028
50Canvas - Modules Guide for Instructors1125282023-06-142103
51Canvas - How to Migrate Course from D2L to Canvas842082023-01-266862
52PlayPosit (Canvas) - Embed a Bulb with the Canvas Rich Content Editor1111802023-01-247156
53Canvas - Resolving Zoom Error "User does not exist"1132152022-11-183196
54PlayPosit (Canvas) - Student Guide1112152022-11-036343
55PlayPosit (Canvas) - Share a Bulb as an Ungraded Module Item1111762022-11-025674
56Canvas - Scheduling Zoom Meetings for Class Sessions1133222022-10-263553
57Zoom - Cloud Recordings Not Syncing with Canvas (Known Issue)1170762022-10-252768
58Zoom - Using Zoom for In-Classroom Recording and Streaming1178142022-10-252202
59Hypothesis (Canvas) - Using Hypothesis in Canvas1189622022-06-101270
60Canvas - Course Dates and Access FAQ and Information1081232022-01-274521
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